Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Tip of the Day

Your life belongs to you take good care of it
and it will take good care of you.
Taking care of you is essential for a happy healthy life.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Tip of the Day

There is always time for you
just let yourself take it.
Start giving yourself a little
bit of time here and there
make it a habit and you'll never forget.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Tip of the Day

Just Breathe

Keeping your mind focused on something as simple as you breathing
can help to create time space and a relaxed atmosphere for you.
So if it's all too much to handle, stop and breathe.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

5 Minute Break

Need a break?
Want to calm your mind?
Ready to recharge?

Here is a simple exercise that will do all three. Counting your breaths.Find a quiet place to sit, I prefer a chair to the floor. Sit in an upright position with your feet flat on the floor. Relax your shoulders and place your hands in your lap palms up.Keep your neck long and head up looking out in front of you. Now you are ready, close your eyes and take a few breaths, inhale and exhale through your nose. Next begin to count breaths ,in then out count after every exhale. You can choose how high you want to count, you can pick a lower number like 5 or 10 then repeat several times or you can count couninusly for the duration of the exercise it's up to you. As other thoughts start to creep into your mind simply let them pass. Don't get attached to any one thought, let them float by and continue to count.

Here are a few tips. Let go of any expectations, you mind will wander, when it does redirect it. The more you practice the easier it gets, so keep trying.Start small and work your way up, try to increase the duration of the exercise as it gets easier. Relax and enjoy yourself this is all for you.

You can do this exercise almost anywhere, at home ,work, in the car(as long as your not driving) while waiting , really almost anywhere. So give it a try make time to do something for you and you will be glad you did.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Tip of The Day

You Deserve Time for You
We all need to take care of ourselves,
make the time you need,
fit it into your scheduld
and feel good about getting wht you need.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Tip of the Day

Enjoy Yourself
If all you do is run around trying to do what it is you think you should,
life is no fun.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Tip of the Day

Don't overextend  yourself !
You don't have to fill every waking moment,I've tried, never works.
Leaving free time to do things at a comfortable pace can make for a
more relaxed and pleasurable experience.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Tip of the Day

Be Ready for the Unexpected
Something will pop up that your not ready for, and if you are too locked into your rutine it can cause extra stress,

Monday, October 22, 2012

Tip of the Day

Make sure you have time for you in your schedule. It's wonderful to help others and it can be very rewarding. However if your short on time and worried about how to get to the next thing, causeing stress and worry , it may be time to cut back.


   Many of us have a regular schedule, at home, at work, at school, for the kid’s activities and any number of things. Your regular schedule can be a huge help in getting things done, but sometimes they can keep us locked in to a routine that becomes difficult to get away from. A strict schedule can make it difficult to deal with the unexpected, and let’s face it something unexpected pops up more times than not.That's when it's time to make a change.
 What you need to remember is this, it's your schedule. You made it, you follow it, and it's up to you to change it when it no longer works for you. I understand that there are other factors, people,or situations involved, ther almost always are. Your work or school schedule, family, commitments. Fair enough, but who put all these things into place, agreed to them, and ran with with them?
 Take a look at what you do each day and look for places to make changes where necessary. Some things are easier to change than others,start with them. Make small changes here and there that you feel comfortable with. Once you get ajusted look for more things you can move aroundto better suite your personal needs. That's what this is all about after all, making your schedule fit your needs. It's your time make the most of it.
Here's something you can do to get started. Write out your schedule, each hour for every day of the week. Look for things that may not be necessary anymore, cross them out, look for open spaces and fill them with the word free. Next look at times you are cramming things in and mark them with a star. These are times that need some work; you will need to look at your options. You may need to change the time youn are volunteering or help with something else that is more convienient for you. The happier and more relaxed you are the easier and more enjoyable it is to help others.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Tip of the Day

Be flexible. Change is the one thing you can be sure of, so always expect it and be willing to make changes accordingly. The more accepting you are toward a situation the easier it is to deal with.


Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Tip of the Day

Reward yourself for all your hard work by giving yourself little breaks several times a day.
Acknowledge your accomplishments then stop, regroup, refocus and reset before starting something new.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Tip of the Day

Set yourself up for success!
Choose activities you enjoy at a time that works for you.
Less srtess more enjoyment.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Tip of the Day

We make time for the things that we believe are important. Isn’t it time to believe you are important?

How to Fit it All in

Last time we talked about what you can do for yourself but where can you fit it all in?

Let’s start from the beginning. First thing in the morning, if you don’t have trouble getting up, now could be a good time for you to fit something in.

Many people get up early to go to the gym or workout at home. You can use the time to read email, read the news or check your Facebook. You can take some quiet time for yourself, have a cup of coffee or tea and mentally plan your day. Take the time to think about what you could do if you got up ½ hr earlier every day.

Do you commute? What can you do with the time you spend in the car? Listen to music, audio books, talk on the phone.

Lunch time, How much time do you have? This is a good time for a lot of people to get some things done so why not make it something you want to do. Go for a walk, read, shop, if you can, make phone calls or play a game. You fill in the rest.

In between Times, (any time in between activities ) Between classes, waiting for kids during activities, look for things you can fit into these times. Think about how much time you have, what is in the area and what you can bring with you.

If you have good amount of time and the weather is permitting, you can go for a walk or a run. If there is a lot in the area you can get a coffee, look around, or shop. If your time is more limited think of things you can fit into a few minutes. You can have apps or music downloads on your phone or wireless devices. Put on headphones and you can meditate. You can always sit in the car if you have no quiet place to go.

These are just a few of my suggestions. Go through your schedule find time, then think of how you can fill it with things you want to do. The more you do it the easier it gets and the more time you seem to find.

It’s your life live it for you.


Friday, October 12, 2012

Tip of the Day

Don’t over extend yourself .Give yourself enough time to do what you need to do and get go where you need to be. You’ll be a lot happier and a lot less stressed.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Tip of the Day

Want to eat healthy but don’t know what type of diet is right for you? Why not get yourself started by adding more fresh, organic fruits and vegetables. Have fresh fruit for breakfast and maybe a snack. Add a green salad to lunch and dinner; eat that first to help fill you up.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Finding That First 5 Minutes

Finding time for yourself in a busy schedule can be a challenge, are you up for it? Challenge yourself with the task of finding time in your own schedule for you.

Start by making a list of the things you want to do. Once you have that pick out the things you know are possible. There is no sense in making a list of things that can’t be done that will only bring disappointment, and your goal is a happier more fulfilled life.

Here are a few suggestions that take little time, cost nothing, and can be done in a number of locations.

Go for a walk:

Weather permitting of course. Any time during the day you can take a break. At lunch, after dinner, in between classes, when the kids are at practice any time you can. Get some exercise and fresh air, clear your mind, listen to music, walk the dog. Enjoy your time.

Regular Exercise

Exercising regularly, there are many ways to get exercise daily and stay fit; I will be exploring many different ways for you to get your exercise.

Breathing Exercises:

What will it do for you? Breathing Exercises can help to reduce irritability, muscle tension, headaches, and fatigue; they can help you to relax and relieve stress.

Time to learn: a few minutes

Time to practice: Anywhere from 30 seconds to 5 minutes to start..

Where can you do it? This is something that can be done almost anywhere.  At home, work, sitting in the car (not driving) in waiting rooms there are so many possibilities.

Guided Meditation :

What will it do for you? Meditation quiets the mind, when the mind is quiet the body can relax .Meditation can reduce stress lower blood pressure; help you relax as well as reenergize you.

 Time to learn : The more you meditate the better you get at it . I recommend short guided meditations to start, I have found it helps to have something to listen to and focus on. Look for guided meditation mp3 wherever you get you music.

Time to practice:  Start with just a few min and gradually work your way up. The more you do it easier it becomes.

Where can you do it? Some place quiet where you will not be disturbed. I like to download guided meditations on to my mp3 player. Find a quiet spot in the house office, in the car (not while driving) outside on a nice day or even waiting for the kids at a practice.

Reading : Why not wind down before bed with a good book. Take your E reader while you Waite at the Dr’s office. Sit outside on a nice day during your lunch break.

Music : Listening to music you love can make a big difference in your mood design playlists for different things you have to do, like, exercise, cleaning, driving, quiet time before bed or reading.

Getting out with friends : Try to make time to socialize, getting out regularly and enjoying yourself can really lift sprits. Give yourself time with friends as often as you can.