Monday, October 8, 2012

Finding That First 5 Minutes

Finding time for yourself in a busy schedule can be a challenge, are you up for it? Challenge yourself with the task of finding time in your own schedule for you.

Start by making a list of the things you want to do. Once you have that pick out the things you know are possible. There is no sense in making a list of things that can’t be done that will only bring disappointment, and your goal is a happier more fulfilled life.

Here are a few suggestions that take little time, cost nothing, and can be done in a number of locations.

Go for a walk:

Weather permitting of course. Any time during the day you can take a break. At lunch, after dinner, in between classes, when the kids are at practice any time you can. Get some exercise and fresh air, clear your mind, listen to music, walk the dog. Enjoy your time.

Regular Exercise

Exercising regularly, there are many ways to get exercise daily and stay fit; I will be exploring many different ways for you to get your exercise.

Breathing Exercises:

What will it do for you? Breathing Exercises can help to reduce irritability, muscle tension, headaches, and fatigue; they can help you to relax and relieve stress.

Time to learn: a few minutes

Time to practice: Anywhere from 30 seconds to 5 minutes to start..

Where can you do it? This is something that can be done almost anywhere.  At home, work, sitting in the car (not driving) in waiting rooms there are so many possibilities.

Guided Meditation :

What will it do for you? Meditation quiets the mind, when the mind is quiet the body can relax .Meditation can reduce stress lower blood pressure; help you relax as well as reenergize you.

 Time to learn : The more you meditate the better you get at it . I recommend short guided meditations to start, I have found it helps to have something to listen to and focus on. Look for guided meditation mp3 wherever you get you music.

Time to practice:  Start with just a few min and gradually work your way up. The more you do it easier it becomes.

Where can you do it? Some place quiet where you will not be disturbed. I like to download guided meditations on to my mp3 player. Find a quiet spot in the house office, in the car (not while driving) outside on a nice day or even waiting for the kids at a practice.

Reading : Why not wind down before bed with a good book. Take your E reader while you Waite at the Dr’s office. Sit outside on a nice day during your lunch break.

Music : Listening to music you love can make a big difference in your mood design playlists for different things you have to do, like, exercise, cleaning, driving, quiet time before bed or reading.

Getting out with friends : Try to make time to socialize, getting out regularly and enjoying yourself can really lift sprits. Give yourself time with friends as often as you can.

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