Monday, December 24, 2012

Merry Christmas

It’s been another busy weekend! I had to fit in extra time to do holiday prep and still manage to get it done and go out and have a good time. It’s amazing how much extra you can get done when you have to. It also doesn’t hurt when you know you have a few days off.

I started Friday night; the kids had a birthday party so I took the opportunity to wrap their gifts. So now that’s out of the way. Saturday morning, Gymnastics 8-11 AM, food shopping in-between and pick up the last of the gifts at the liquor store. Run home put it away and somehow ended up with a couple of minutes to catch my breath, not even sure how I managed that. 11 AM picked up the kids and headed home for lunch.

Next I got to do something I rarely get time to do these days; I got to take a much needed nap. My husband took over the running around for a few hours and I got to rest. I’m glad I did, next I headed over to a friends to help her out with her hair, Came out nice if I do say so myself. Next feed the kids, total cheat, ordered out, but some days ya just gotta do it. Done with all the days’ responsibilities, time for me to go out and have some fun.

Saturday night out with the hubby and a bunch of friends for a Birthday Party and some Christmas Karaoke. Everyone had a blast we closed the place; it’s been awhile since I’ve done that, loads of fun.

Sunday I stayed in bed till 8 which is late for me so that was a plus, got to relax on the couch with some coffee and watch Miracle on 34th Street. Next we all went to the movies to see the Hobbit; everyone enjoyed it, a real rarity but definitely nice, then back home and back to getting ready for the next two days, cooking cleaning laundry and a few other things including the post. I feel like I’m off to a good start, everything is prepped and tomorrow should go pretty smoothly, and once Tuesday hits it all got to be done.

Well I’m looking forward to the next couple of days and the next week, I have some time off from work so I can recoup and get back to normal. Here’s to a happy holiday and a healthy productive New Year! I have some exciting new things to put in place for 2013 and some should be ready to go next week, can’t wait to share them with you.

Merry Christmas!

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