Monday, December 3, 2012

Good Grooming Habits

Good Grooming Habits, In and Just After, the Shower

Ever notice how some people always look perfect, and wonder how they have the time to do it. Some people do devote a lot of extra time grooming and getting themselves put together. You want to look and feel that way without spending too much extra time? Here are some simple habits that once developed can become part of your routine and become effortless.

We all have a daily grooming rituals and most of us don’t even think about half of them because we have been doing them since we were 5. Get up wash your face brush your teeth brush your hair, the basics. But what about the other things like shaving, skin and, nail care? Where do they fit in?

Here are some simple steps you can add into or just after your shower. Shaving, so many people I know have trouble fitting in time to shave or forgetting to do it altogether. Here’s my suggestion, shave every time you take a shower. (Works for both men and women)Keep all of your shaving supplies in the shower, guys, they sell mirrors with suction cups and others that attach to the shower head this purpose, and add shaving into your shower routine.

The steam from the shower opens up the pours and can help to give you a closer more comfortable shave. It makes shaving a lot less messy. All the shaving cream goes right down the drain, it’s easy to keep the razor clean and you can rinse yourself off when you are done no cream left on your skin. Give it a try for a while if it seems to awkward shave as soon as you finish your shower. This way your skin is already primed and the basic idea of getting into a routine works.

Skin and nail care supply list, small fingernail brush, body scrub, and in shower moisturizer. Use the nail brush with a little soap or body washes to clean under your finger and toe nails. Keeping body scrub in the shower will allow you to target dry skin areas, regularly.  I know Olay makes an in shower moisturizer, not sure if anyone else puts one out. If you can find one apply after washing, follow recommended steps on label.

 When you get out of the shower take a minute to push back the skin around your finger and toe nails. Apply moisturizer to face and skin if you were unable to do so in the shower.

 All of these things altogether only add a few minutes to your existing bathroom time, but if it feels like too much add one at a time, or pick and choose what works for you. Any way you set it up practice and remind yourself until it all becomes a habit and you no longer have to think about any of it.

·       One quick note. If you keep a nail brush in the shower rambler to clean and sanitize it regularly to avoid mold and bacteria.


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