Monday, December 31, 2012

Vision for 2013:

Well it's New Year's Eve, and if you haven't already, you are probably thinking about your New Year’s resolution.   Maybe you want to go on a diet, join a gym, get a better job, or plan that special vacation. Are you really resolved to do these things? If you are then good for you I’m happy to see you putting your plan in action.

This year my plan is a little different, this year instead of resolutions I’m creating a vision, my vision for 5 Minutes for Me in 2013 and beyond. I have been working on a project to bring this vision to life and to share it with everyone. I started a secret board on Pinterest called,5 Minutes for Me Vision Board, this board contains Pins with explanations of what I see for 5 Minutes for Me now and in the future. I have also included a pin with directions on how you can create your own Pinterest Vision Board. I have had a lot of fun with this project and think you will too, if you give it a try. Take your time and keep the board secret until you are ready to reveal it, That's what I did.

Are you up for the challenge? Are you willing to bring your vision for yourself to life and share it with the world? I’m throwing it out there, Will you accept?

Here is the pin with the directions, or feel free to check out the 5minutesforme Pinterest  page. CLICK HERE! to view the full board.
To create my vision Board I used a combination of re-pins from Pinterest and slides I made myself in PowerPoint. Where ever you get your pins doesn’t matter, they just need to fit your vision.

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