Monday, December 10, 2012

Relaxation Exercise


It’s the end of the year, holiday time, Time to run around and get it all done. Run from here to there from one thing to the next. We tend to push ourselves and get all wound up, so what happens when you need rest, it can be difficult to wind down. Here is a relaxation exercise to calm your body and mind and maybe even help you drift off to sleep.
Start by finding a comfortable position either sitting or laying down, it’s up to you. Take 2 or three deep breaths and turn your attention to your body, look for areas that seem tight or tense, don’t do anything just take notice.Now focus on your toes. How do they feel, are the muscles tight or tense, or are they soft and relaxed? If the muscles are tense think about relaxing them hold your focus and let the tension go. It may take some time for this to work for you so if it’s not working move on and then come back to it. The more you practice the easier it will become to let go. Once you are finished with our toes move on to the feet, focus your attention and let your muscles relax. If your mind starts to wander don’t be concerned jus gently bring it back to your feet. Next is the ankles, then the calves, knees and thighs. Slowly work your way up the bodies to the shoulders from there go down the arm to your fingertips. Start working your way back up the arms to the neck the head and the face , hit every area you can think of including such areas as ,the eyebrows, cheeks, jaw ,throat, and eyes. Once you have finished do a scan over your whole body look for any muscles the may still feel tight and go back to them one by one. Start from where you left off and work your way back down the body to the feet. The more you do it the easier it gets and the muscles tend to let go a bit faster. Don’t expect anything, each time you practice may bring a different experience, enjoy it.

·      There is a good possibility that will drift off or fall asleep while doing this exercise, so doing it before bed may be a god idea for you.


However you choose to do it, give yourself enough time to relax and remain that way for as long as possible.

Enjoy and be well.

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