Monday, October 22, 2012


   Many of us have a regular schedule, at home, at work, at school, for the kid’s activities and any number of things. Your regular schedule can be a huge help in getting things done, but sometimes they can keep us locked in to a routine that becomes difficult to get away from. A strict schedule can make it difficult to deal with the unexpected, and let’s face it something unexpected pops up more times than not.That's when it's time to make a change.
 What you need to remember is this, it's your schedule. You made it, you follow it, and it's up to you to change it when it no longer works for you. I understand that there are other factors, people,or situations involved, ther almost always are. Your work or school schedule, family, commitments. Fair enough, but who put all these things into place, agreed to them, and ran with with them?
 Take a look at what you do each day and look for places to make changes where necessary. Some things are easier to change than others,start with them. Make small changes here and there that you feel comfortable with. Once you get ajusted look for more things you can move aroundto better suite your personal needs. That's what this is all about after all, making your schedule fit your needs. It's your time make the most of it.
Here's something you can do to get started. Write out your schedule, each hour for every day of the week. Look for things that may not be necessary anymore, cross them out, look for open spaces and fill them with the word free. Next look at times you are cramming things in and mark them with a star. These are times that need some work; you will need to look at your options. You may need to change the time youn are volunteering or help with something else that is more convienient for you. The happier and more relaxed you are the easier and more enjoyable it is to help others.

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