Friday, November 30, 2012

Tip of the Day

Don’t forget to make time to relax and unwind. When you have finished all the running around for the day, grab your favorite beverage. Kick back, relax and unwind.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Tip of the Day

Get out there and have a good time spreading holiday cheer, and while you are shopping for everybody else maybe sneak in one or two gifts for yourself, you know for all your hard work. Happy shopping to all.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Tip of the Day

Make a list of everyone you need to buy for, then when you shop fill in what you got for them and even how much it was. This will make it much easier to keep track of what you still need to shop for.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Tip of the Day

 It’s Cyber Monday people ,get over to your computer, today is the day to look for online deals. Don’t want to go out and shop stay home and shop online, and don’t forget to look for free shipping.

Tip of the Day

Don’t let holiday shopping break the bank. Set price limits for everyone you buy for, and encourage friends and co workers to do a grab bag or Secret Santa. Less to spend, less to shop for, and best of all less stress.

On your mark, get set, shop


Thanksgiving is over, and that means one thing it’s time to get shopping. Black Friday is over and now it’s Cyber Monday, time to look for online deals. I do prefer to do the bulk of my shopping on line, no crowds, and no lines no trolling for a parking spot. I can sit at home any time of the day shop at my convenience, love that.

Amazon is my favorite site every year I make a wish list, I add everything I want, no matter how crazy or pricey. I have the kids make lists and hubby too. So when people start to ask what you want you can simply direct them to your list.

 As much as I love online holiday shopping the one thing I cannot tolerate is paying for shipping. If it doesn’t ship free I don’t order it. I’ll shop around at different sites and look for free shipping and if that doesn’t work, then I’ll suck it up and head to the store.

My favorite way to shop for gifts is by myself, especially if I have a lot to get. I get into power shopping mode and I don’t need anyone slowing me down, having to wait politely while they look at stuff. Sorry, I got to move. Don’t get me wrong shopping with a friend can be a fun day out, I just prefer to do that when I can go at a relaxed pace, once all the major shopping is done. You can walk around look at different stores you normally wouldn’t go into and find something unexpected.

Well however you like to shop it’s time to get started. So get out there and have a good time spreading holiday cheer, and maybe sneak in one or two gifts for yourself, you know for all your hard work. Happy shopping to all.


Friday, November 23, 2012

Tip of the Day

Don’t limit yourself! We are capable of so much more then we give ourselves credit for. We set limits that we think we can never pass, but in some instances we manage to break through and reach the stars.

What I Learned Today

Today is a very special day for me. 13 years ago today I learned so many things about myself. I learned that I could push myself far beyond what I ever thought possible. I learned that pain meant nothing when you have to get passed it. I found strength inside me I never thought I had. That day I learned that my capacity to love was endless. On that day I became a mom.

In the past 13 years I have continued to find more surprising things about myself as I learn and grow with my children. We are capable of so much more then we give ourselves credit for. We set limits that we think we can never pass, but in some instances we manage to break through and reach the stars.  I want to take what I learned that day and apply it to the rest of my life, so that I can show my children there is no end to what they can do. I want them to find that ability within themselves, because they were the ones who helped me find it in me .So today I say Happy Birthday Jayna. You have taught me so much. I look forward to continuing to learn and grow with you.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Happy Thanksgivinng


There are so many things in life to be thankful for, and it is important to take some time to reflect on all the wonderful things and people in our lives. It doesn’t matter how much or how little you may have, we all have something or someone to be thankful for.
Think back over the past year, all that has happened, everything you have accomplished, all the people in your life. How do you feel? Throughout your life, what have you accomplished, worked for, learned from? What are the things that make you smile the people and things that bring a smile to your face as soon as you bring them to mind? If you have these things, be thankful. Whatever it is you are grateful for, take the time to notice it, enjoy it, and feel good about it.

Sometimes when I’m feeling like things are not going my way, I stop for a moment and think of everything I do have, the people I love and remember all the things that worked out for the best. No matter how upset I am this always makes me smile.

So today or any day you may need it, take some time and be thankful.



Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Tip of the Day

Relax and let go of expectations, if you have to travel be ready to hit traffic or get delayed, if everything goes according to plan feel lucky, and if it doesn’t don’t let it ruin your good time.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Tip of the Day

Don’t over complicate things, keep it simple and enjoyable. The more you try to have everything just so, the easier it is to get disappointed.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Tip of the Day

Make your holiday celebration your own. There is no right or wrong way to celebrate. So why not change things up and start your own traditions. To each his own, Happy Turkey (or not) Day!

Here Come the Holidays

Well it’s that time of year again, are you ready? I never feel like I am but somehow it all seems to get done. Cooking, eating, shopping, spending, driving, visiting, parties, families and friends, whether you are doing all or none of these things, the holidays can be a crazy time. It’s easy to get overwhelmed. So how do you keep the happy in the holidays? What can you do to keep it all in perspective and enjoy yourself?

Here are a few things to keep in mind. Don’t over complicate things, keep it simple and enjoyable. The more you try to have everything just so, the easier it is to get disappointed. Don’t plan everything down to the last detail, have a plan by all means but don’t lock yourself in, be ready to enjoy things as they happen. Sometimes the more you go with the flow the more fun it is for everyone involved. Do things that you enjoy, while you are out there running around for everyone else, schedule time for yourself. Shop for you or schedule time to hit the gym get a massage take yourself to lunch, something to make it fun.
Relax and let go of expectations, if you have to travel be ready to hit traffic or get delayed, if everything goes according to plan feel lucky, and if it doesn’t don’t let it ruin your good time. Hosting a get-together at your place , keep yourself in mind, set things up in such a way that you have time to enjoy it all and aren’t working at your own party.
If it’s all too much for you keep it low key. Do something simple at home or if you want to, get away for a while. Spend your holiday the way you want to. Do what makes you happy and makes you feel good. It’s not about the perfect meal or getting the right toy. The day will not be made or broke by the details, keep a positive attitude and above all find a way to have fun whatever you decide to do.

Happy Thanksgiving, and happy holiday season, whatever you celebrate, remember it’s just that, a celebration meant for enjoyment and fun.


Friday, November 16, 2012

Tip of the Day

Don’t get caught up in the madness!
Stay calm relaxed and focused on what you are doing.
Don’t let interruptions rattle you or knock you of course.
The Morning belongs to you, take charge of your time.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Tip of the Day

Not enough time to get everything done in the morning?
Why not get a head start? If you can’t get yourself up and moving
In the morning, start the night before. Pick out cloths make your lunch, take a shower,
Find what works for you.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Tip of the Day

Make sure you have enough time to get ready every morning.
Don’t stay in bed till the last minute. Wake up early enough to get everything
done in a calm and relaxed manner. It can help set you up for a calmer more productive day.



Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Tip of the Day

When you have others to help in the morning, get yourself done first. Make sure you are completely dressed put together and organized, and then move on to helping anyone who may need it.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Morning Madness

Morning Madness

How do you feel about mornings? Are you one of those lucky people who pop out of bed ready to start the day?  Are you up before everyone else working out getting ready perfectly groomed and ready to take on the day? I’m not. Once I’m up and going I’m ok, but getting out of bed is tough. If I had my way I‘d stay in bed till the last minute, sadly not an option for me. My vanity and my children will not allow it.

So what to do? You can always get things ready the night before. Pick out cloths, take a shower, have bags packed and ready to go. Decide if you will bring lunch or buy it, if other family members are involved have them make the same decision and have lunch or money ready to go. This way you will have less to think about first thing in the morning, and more importantly less to do.

Once you are up and going, do one thing at a time and finish it before you start something else. If you go to the bathroom first, take care of everything you need to do before you leave the room. If you go to the kitchen to make coffee, tea, or breakfast do it all while you’re in there. Don’t start something then go running back and forth through the house, It’s a giant waste of time and it is very difficult to remember what you have done, especially if you are not the only one you need to do things for.

When you have others to help in the morning, get yourself done first.  Make sure you are completely dressed put together and organized, and then move on to helping anyone who may need it. If everyone has been set up from the night before it should make the morning more productive for the whole family.

Changing things up might take some getting used to, but once you get into the swing of things it can make for a reasonable calm and even productive morning. Being prepared will keep you relaxed ,taking care of you first will make you more affective when helping others and can cut down on stress for all concerned.  So Start your day at night and have a good morning.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

5 Minute Break

Releasing Muscle Tension
Here is something you can to when you need to wind down and refocus. Bring attention to your body, release the stress that has built up throughout the day and let it go. 
 Sit for a minute and take a few breaths. Focus on your body and look for muscle that are tense or tight. Once you know what muscles to work on pick one to start with. Squeeze the muscle and hold foe a count of 5 then release repeat 3 times. Then move on to the other tense muscles a follow the same process.
This exercise can be done with the whole body when you have the time. Starting with the feet and working your way up to your head.







Friday, November 9, 2012

Tip of the Day

Help prevent dry, chapped, and cracked skin by taking in more water.
The moisture in our skin comes from the inside, so to replenish we need to drink more water and choose more foods with high water content like fresh fruit and veggies. By all means keep the lotions, creams and moisturizers handy, they will help to hold the moisture in.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Tip of the Day

Go after everything you want, with everything you got .
You’ll never succeed if you let fear of failing hold you back.
Take a chance and go for your dreams.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Tip of the Day

Choose to be Positive
When it comes to your attitude you always have a choice
So why not choose to have a positive one?
Don’t waste time on things you cannot change.
That only leads to negative feelings
Find you own silver lining in every cloud
And allow yourself to shine

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Tip of the Day

Get Out and Vote
We are very privileged to have this right so get out there and exercise it.
Voice your opinion, be heard, send a message.
If you are not happy with the choices fill in your own.
Nothing gets done by doing nothing.

Thank You

Thank you to everyone working around the clock to get things up and running again after Hurricane Sandy. Thanks to all the power crews from in and out of state. Thanks to the Police for keeping the peace, the gas lines safe and traffic flowing. Thanks for cutting down trees, keeping the water clean and flowing, and for keeping the roads safe and drivable.

Thank you to everyone who opened up their home to someone without power. Thank you to all the volunteers helping those without homes to go back to, donating supplies running shelters and doing whatever needs to be done. Thank you Governor Christie for taking the matter in hand before the storm hit to prevent any further destruction and loss, and all the work you have done since.
So many people have stepped up stepped in and the job is getting done. There is still a lot of work to do but here and there things are slowly getting back to normal. So thank you to everyone who is giving in any way because every bit helps.
There are so many still in need, so if you have the time the money or anything to give, donate something to someone who needs it. You can donate to the american Red Cross, and groups are forming that need time and donations. Something simple you can do is shop local. As all the local buisnesses start to open up shop. eat. and spend there. You get what you need and help support the community.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Tip of the Day

You deserve to have everything you need.
Don't wait for someone else, give it to yourslf.
Give yourself all the time and attention you would give to someone else you love.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Tip of the Day

Treat yourself the way you want others to treat you.
We teach others how we expect to be treated by how
we treat ourselves and how we allow ourselves to be treated.