Monday, November 19, 2012

Here Come the Holidays

Well it’s that time of year again, are you ready? I never feel like I am but somehow it all seems to get done. Cooking, eating, shopping, spending, driving, visiting, parties, families and friends, whether you are doing all or none of these things, the holidays can be a crazy time. It’s easy to get overwhelmed. So how do you keep the happy in the holidays? What can you do to keep it all in perspective and enjoy yourself?

Here are a few things to keep in mind. Don’t over complicate things, keep it simple and enjoyable. The more you try to have everything just so, the easier it is to get disappointed. Don’t plan everything down to the last detail, have a plan by all means but don’t lock yourself in, be ready to enjoy things as they happen. Sometimes the more you go with the flow the more fun it is for everyone involved. Do things that you enjoy, while you are out there running around for everyone else, schedule time for yourself. Shop for you or schedule time to hit the gym get a massage take yourself to lunch, something to make it fun.
Relax and let go of expectations, if you have to travel be ready to hit traffic or get delayed, if everything goes according to plan feel lucky, and if it doesn’t don’t let it ruin your good time. Hosting a get-together at your place , keep yourself in mind, set things up in such a way that you have time to enjoy it all and aren’t working at your own party.
If it’s all too much for you keep it low key. Do something simple at home or if you want to, get away for a while. Spend your holiday the way you want to. Do what makes you happy and makes you feel good. It’s not about the perfect meal or getting the right toy. The day will not be made or broke by the details, keep a positive attitude and above all find a way to have fun whatever you decide to do.

Happy Thanksgiving, and happy holiday season, whatever you celebrate, remember it’s just that, a celebration meant for enjoyment and fun.


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