Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Thank You

Thank you to everyone working around the clock to get things up and running again after Hurricane Sandy. Thanks to all the power crews from in and out of state. Thanks to the Police for keeping the peace, the gas lines safe and traffic flowing. Thanks for cutting down trees, keeping the water clean and flowing, and for keeping the roads safe and drivable.

Thank you to everyone who opened up their home to someone without power. Thank you to all the volunteers helping those without homes to go back to, donating supplies running shelters and doing whatever needs to be done. Thank you Governor Christie for taking the matter in hand before the storm hit to prevent any further destruction and loss, and all the work you have done since.
So many people have stepped up stepped in and the job is getting done. There is still a lot of work to do but here and there things are slowly getting back to normal. So thank you to everyone who is giving in any way because every bit helps.
There are so many still in need, so if you have the time the money or anything to give, donate something to someone who needs it. You can donate to the american Red Cross, and groups are forming that need time and donations. Something simple you can do is shop local. As all the local buisnesses start to open up shop. eat. and spend there. You get what you need and help support the community.

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