Monday, November 26, 2012

On your mark, get set, shop


Thanksgiving is over, and that means one thing it’s time to get shopping. Black Friday is over and now it’s Cyber Monday, time to look for online deals. I do prefer to do the bulk of my shopping on line, no crowds, and no lines no trolling for a parking spot. I can sit at home any time of the day shop at my convenience, love that.

Amazon is my favorite site every year I make a wish list, I add everything I want, no matter how crazy or pricey. I have the kids make lists and hubby too. So when people start to ask what you want you can simply direct them to your list.

 As much as I love online holiday shopping the one thing I cannot tolerate is paying for shipping. If it doesn’t ship free I don’t order it. I’ll shop around at different sites and look for free shipping and if that doesn’t work, then I’ll suck it up and head to the store.

My favorite way to shop for gifts is by myself, especially if I have a lot to get. I get into power shopping mode and I don’t need anyone slowing me down, having to wait politely while they look at stuff. Sorry, I got to move. Don’t get me wrong shopping with a friend can be a fun day out, I just prefer to do that when I can go at a relaxed pace, once all the major shopping is done. You can walk around look at different stores you normally wouldn’t go into and find something unexpected.

Well however you like to shop it’s time to get started. So get out there and have a good time spreading holiday cheer, and maybe sneak in one or two gifts for yourself, you know for all your hard work. Happy shopping to all.


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