Monday, December 31, 2012

Tip of the Day

Vision for 2013:

Well it's New Year's Eve, and if you haven't already, you are probably thinking about your New Year’s resolution.   Maybe you want to go on a diet, join a gym, get a better job, or plan that special vacation. Are you really resolved to do these things? If you are then good for you I’m happy to see you putting your plan in action.

This year my plan is a little different, this year instead of resolutions I’m creating a vision, my vision for 5 Minutes for Me in 2013 and beyond. I have been working on a project to bring this vision to life and to share it with everyone. I started a secret board on Pinterest called,5 Minutes for Me Vision Board, this board contains Pins with explanations of what I see for 5 Minutes for Me now and in the future. I have also included a pin with directions on how you can create your own Pinterest Vision Board. I have had a lot of fun with this project and think you will too, if you give it a try. Take your time and keep the board secret until you are ready to reveal it, That's what I did.

Are you up for the challenge? Are you willing to bring your vision for yourself to life and share it with the world? I’m throwing it out there, Will you accept?

Here is the pin with the directions, or feel free to check out the 5minutesforme Pinterest  page. CLICK HERE! to view the full board.
To create my vision Board I used a combination of re-pins from Pinterest and slides I made myself in PowerPoint. Where ever you get your pins doesn’t matter, they just need to fit your vision.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Tip of the Day

Worrying, will never serve you well, so don’t bother. It’s just something to waste your time on and stress your body and mind. Take all your worries and set them aside, your load will be much lighter.

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Tip of the Day

Hope your holiday is filled with peace, love, joy, and a few quiet moments for yourself.
In the midsts of all the getting ready, running, or whatever you have to do today, take a few moments close your eyes and breathe. Create a calm warm felling for yourself and those around you. 

Monday, December 24, 2012

Tip of the Day

If you could give yourself anything in the world ,what would it be ?

Merry Christmas

It’s been another busy weekend! I had to fit in extra time to do holiday prep and still manage to get it done and go out and have a good time. It’s amazing how much extra you can get done when you have to. It also doesn’t hurt when you know you have a few days off.

I started Friday night; the kids had a birthday party so I took the opportunity to wrap their gifts. So now that’s out of the way. Saturday morning, Gymnastics 8-11 AM, food shopping in-between and pick up the last of the gifts at the liquor store. Run home put it away and somehow ended up with a couple of minutes to catch my breath, not even sure how I managed that. 11 AM picked up the kids and headed home for lunch.

Next I got to do something I rarely get time to do these days; I got to take a much needed nap. My husband took over the running around for a few hours and I got to rest. I’m glad I did, next I headed over to a friends to help her out with her hair, Came out nice if I do say so myself. Next feed the kids, total cheat, ordered out, but some days ya just gotta do it. Done with all the days’ responsibilities, time for me to go out and have some fun.

Saturday night out with the hubby and a bunch of friends for a Birthday Party and some Christmas Karaoke. Everyone had a blast we closed the place; it’s been awhile since I’ve done that, loads of fun.

Sunday I stayed in bed till 8 which is late for me so that was a plus, got to relax on the couch with some coffee and watch Miracle on 34th Street. Next we all went to the movies to see the Hobbit; everyone enjoyed it, a real rarity but definitely nice, then back home and back to getting ready for the next two days, cooking cleaning laundry and a few other things including the post. I feel like I’m off to a good start, everything is prepped and tomorrow should go pretty smoothly, and once Tuesday hits it all got to be done.

Well I’m looking forward to the next couple of days and the next week, I have some time off from work so I can recoup and get back to normal. Here’s to a happy holiday and a healthy productive New Year! I have some exciting new things to put in place for 2013 and some should be ready to go next week, can’t wait to share them with you.

Merry Christmas!

Friday, December 21, 2012

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Tip of the Day

Pot Luck Party!
Want to have it all for your holiday dinner, but don’t have the time?
Why not do pot luck, have everyone bring something to the party.
Less stress , more time for you ,more choices for everyone.

Monday, December 17, 2012

Tip of the Day

Reasonably, Healthy Eating During the Holidays

For me and my family the holidays are all about the food, Getting together with family and friends and eating, that’s how it’s always been. So as much as I like to keep healthy eating habits, this time of year is rough. Luckily I have a few tricks to keep the junk to a minimum without denying myself a few treats. Here they are.

Going out later in the day? Eat healthy all day before you go out and have something just before you leave. Load up on fresh fruit and veggies, have some salad something fresh and homemade, so when you go out food is not the only thing on your mind. Also if you are having cocktails your tummy is ready for them.

Got a pot luck? Bring your favorite healthy dish, if it’s something you love to eat ,you are more likely to eat that instead of something you might regret later. Eat it before you have anything else to take the edge off your appetite and just sample whatever else you may want..
 The picture on the left is Quinoa -Stuffed Peppers ( recipe from Vegetarian Times) We took this to a family party, everyone loved it.

Having people over for dinner or a party? Plan a healthy meal and find the less sugar lower fat recipes, serve salad and vegetables with your meal. Cut up fresh fruit and veggies and serve lower fat dips like hummus for the veggies and yogurt dip for the fruit. I saw a recipe for a peanut butter yogurt dip on pinterest, I think I may make. Fresh Salsa or guacamole you find in the produce isle or make from scratch are healthy and taste great. Carrot chips, fresh raw carrots ,crinkle cut like potato chips go well with dip.Put these out instead of chips,it's the perfect healthy replacment.

I find it helpful to add in healthy food instead of taking away less healthy food. It keeps you from feeling deprived and can help to avoid binging, which is what seems to happen to me when I try not to have anything. I avoid eating it all day then I break, and look out cause I’m not stopping, no good.
Well that’s my strategy for reasonably healthy holiday eating. Having my food and eating it too.
Happy Holiday Eating to All !


Monday, December 10, 2012

Tip of the Day


Relaxation Exercise


It’s the end of the year, holiday time, Time to run around and get it all done. Run from here to there from one thing to the next. We tend to push ourselves and get all wound up, so what happens when you need rest, it can be difficult to wind down. Here is a relaxation exercise to calm your body and mind and maybe even help you drift off to sleep.
Start by finding a comfortable position either sitting or laying down, it’s up to you. Take 2 or three deep breaths and turn your attention to your body, look for areas that seem tight or tense, don’t do anything just take notice.Now focus on your toes. How do they feel, are the muscles tight or tense, or are they soft and relaxed? If the muscles are tense think about relaxing them hold your focus and let the tension go. It may take some time for this to work for you so if it’s not working move on and then come back to it. The more you practice the easier it will become to let go. Once you are finished with our toes move on to the feet, focus your attention and let your muscles relax. If your mind starts to wander don’t be concerned jus gently bring it back to your feet. Next is the ankles, then the calves, knees and thighs. Slowly work your way up the bodies to the shoulders from there go down the arm to your fingertips. Start working your way back up the arms to the neck the head and the face , hit every area you can think of including such areas as ,the eyebrows, cheeks, jaw ,throat, and eyes. Once you have finished do a scan over your whole body look for any muscles the may still feel tight and go back to them one by one. Start from where you left off and work your way back down the body to the feet. The more you do it the easier it gets and the muscles tend to let go a bit faster. Don’t expect anything, each time you practice may bring a different experience, enjoy it.

·      There is a good possibility that will drift off or fall asleep while doing this exercise, so doing it before bed may be a god idea for you.


However you choose to do it, give yourself enough time to relax and remain that way for as long as possible.

Enjoy and be well.

Friday, December 7, 2012

Tip of the Day

Apply moisturizer to face and skin just after every shower. It’s a good skin care habit to get into.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Tip of the Day

When you get out of the shower take a minute to push back the skin around your finger and toe nails. The skin is nice and soft making it easier to push back.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Tip of the Day

 Keep body scrub in the shower so you can scrub away dry skin,then apply inshower moisturizer.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Tip of the Day

Here is another good reason to shave in the shower. The steam from the shower opens up the pours and can help to give you a closer more comfortable shave. It makes shaving a lot less messy. All the shaving cream goes right down the drain, it’s easy to keep the razor clean and you can rinse yourself off when you are done no cream left on your skin. Give it a try for a while if it seems to awkward

Monday, December 3, 2012

Tip of the Day

Shave every time you shower.Keep all your shaving supplies in the shower and shave every time you are in there. Once it becomes a habit you'll never forget.

Good Grooming Habits

Good Grooming Habits, In and Just After, the Shower

Ever notice how some people always look perfect, and wonder how they have the time to do it. Some people do devote a lot of extra time grooming and getting themselves put together. You want to look and feel that way without spending too much extra time? Here are some simple habits that once developed can become part of your routine and become effortless.

We all have a daily grooming rituals and most of us don’t even think about half of them because we have been doing them since we were 5. Get up wash your face brush your teeth brush your hair, the basics. But what about the other things like shaving, skin and, nail care? Where do they fit in?

Here are some simple steps you can add into or just after your shower. Shaving, so many people I know have trouble fitting in time to shave or forgetting to do it altogether. Here’s my suggestion, shave every time you take a shower. (Works for both men and women)Keep all of your shaving supplies in the shower, guys, they sell mirrors with suction cups and others that attach to the shower head this purpose, and add shaving into your shower routine.

The steam from the shower opens up the pours and can help to give you a closer more comfortable shave. It makes shaving a lot less messy. All the shaving cream goes right down the drain, it’s easy to keep the razor clean and you can rinse yourself off when you are done no cream left on your skin. Give it a try for a while if it seems to awkward shave as soon as you finish your shower. This way your skin is already primed and the basic idea of getting into a routine works.

Skin and nail care supply list, small fingernail brush, body scrub, and in shower moisturizer. Use the nail brush with a little soap or body washes to clean under your finger and toe nails. Keeping body scrub in the shower will allow you to target dry skin areas, regularly.  I know Olay makes an in shower moisturizer, not sure if anyone else puts one out. If you can find one apply after washing, follow recommended steps on label.

 When you get out of the shower take a minute to push back the skin around your finger and toe nails. Apply moisturizer to face and skin if you were unable to do so in the shower.

 All of these things altogether only add a few minutes to your existing bathroom time, but if it feels like too much add one at a time, or pick and choose what works for you. Any way you set it up practice and remind yourself until it all becomes a habit and you no longer have to think about any of it.

·       One quick note. If you keep a nail brush in the shower rambler to clean and sanitize it regularly to avoid mold and bacteria.