Monday, January 7, 2013

Tip of the Day

Relax your body and calm your mind with this simple mantra meditation.

1.       Find a quiet place to sit comfortably with good back support.

2.        Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths, and let you body relax.

3.       Our mantra for this exercise will be the word, RELAX. You can choose any word or phrase that has meaning for you.

4.       Breaths through your nose if you are able, and repeat the word relax quietly, to yourself.( Don’t worry if you get distracted and your mind starts to wander, when this happens simply refocus and begin repeating relax to yourself again)

5.       Keep going for 5 minutes or more if you can, slowly start to move your hands and feet then slowly open your eyes. Take a few deep breaths then go about your day feeling relaxed and refreshed, repeat daily.

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