Monday, January 7, 2013

5 ways to focus on you in the New Year


1: Meditation, meditation is the practice of focusing your attention on one thing, an object a word or phrase, shapes colors, or your own breathing. With practice you can relax you mind, by pulling your focus to the one thing you choose, instead of trying to process and deal with all that is going on around you as well as random thoughts of past and present problems and situations. Like most other things in life the more you practice the easier it gets and the more you benefit.

Check out Tip of the Day for a simple Mantra Meditation

2:  Eat healthy; eating healthy doesn’t have to mean depriving yourself, or never eating your favorite foods again. The best advice I can give you is…

1: Don’t make any drastic changes without out consulting your doctor.

 2: Start by adding healthy foods into your regular diet, instead of cutting things you enjoy out. For example, add fresh fruit to breakfast and green leafy salads at lunch and dinner. Eat the fruit and veggies first then move on to the rest of the meal. The idea is to fill up on the healthy stuff and have less of the food you are trying to avoid without feeling deprived. It’s worth a try.

3: Exercise; make some time to exercise, you don’t have to run out and join a gym or start an extreme workout plan you’re not ready for, start simple. Get out and go for a walk when the weather is nice, or try taking a class. Go by yourself if you need some alone time or with a friend if you feel you need to get out and socialize more. My husband and I have been taking martial arts classes together, two to three times a week for the past three years. We have met some wonderful people and look forward to going to class each week.

4: Manage your time; always remember it’s your life, your schedule needs to work for you. If things are crazy and difficult to keep up with make necessary changes. Cut back on extras or fine someone to help you with things you are not keeping up with.

5: Be happy; being happy is a choice, your choice. It doesn’t matter what the circumstances are, what matters is you and your outlook on life. Choose to be happy and good things will find you. Even on your worst days when everything seems to go wrong, just fake it! Put a smile on your face and sell the good mood until even you believe it.

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