Monday, January 21, 2013

Change your Movement Change your Mood

I'm currently reading Awaken the Giant within by Anthony Robbins, and it's really inspiring. I have come up with at least 4 topics for the blog and am only about 1/4 of the way through. The first thing I want to share is how your motion creates your emotion, the way you move  your posture your facial expressions  create you emotional state, I read that and thought , fascinating!

Something as simple as smiling or even sitting up straight will change how you feel. So we have the ability to change how we feel by changing what we do with our bodies. How we stand how we breathe facial expressions. Once you know what feelings are connected to certain movements and postures u can change them. We all have our normal patterns that we seem to stick with out of habit and we limit ourselves to these postures and emotions without even noticing. Robbins says that in his Date with Destiny seminars he asks people to write down what emotions they feel in an average week and most of us less than a dozen. These were the top 12 he listed.
1 Stressed out
2 Frustrated
3 Angry
4 Insecure
5 Lonely
6 Board
7 Miserable
8 Happy
9 Relieved
10 Loved
11 Excited

12 Joyous
So now how many different ways can you change how you feel by changing how you use your body? Give it a try. I did and I had a lot of fun with it. You can try things like making funny faces, to feel silly, posing like a body builder, to feel strong, or put your hands on your hips bend one knee, and throw your head back. How does that make you feel?  Open your eyes wide with wonder, bow your head drop your gaze and pout, or stretch your arms above your head open your palms wide and take a deep breath, they all feel different, don’t they?

This is the kind of information I want to take and run with, experiment with different postures and movement to change how I feel when I want or need to. Getting myself energized when I’m tired bringing my mood up when I’m down, finding a conscious way to prepare for what’s coming next.

Why not try to see how many expressions and feelings you can add to the list above? Give it a try, I had fun with it and you can to. Take what you learn and use it to help enhance your experiences each day.

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